Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stop it.

One of my worst petpeeves (I would even go as far as to say it IS my worst) is hearing people chew. Only maybe 2 people know this, because i've always felt it to be rude to address it, but seeing as how no one reads this anyway, I can finally let it out. You might not even be someone who chews loudly, but as long as I can hear the food being processed in your mouth, I squirm. Literally. I move around in my seat. I get this feeling in my stomach similar to the one people get on rollercoasters. That stomach dropping feeling. In freshman year, this guy sat behind me and, even though the teacher said strictly no eating in class, he decided to have a feast everyday anyway. and he liked to lean in esp close, so his mouth would be right behind my ear (or so it felt) and i could hear him chew ever molecule of his sandwich/chip/etc. I would be constantly moving in my seat all throughout that class because the sound of his chewing made me want to 1. punch him 2. run away (emphasizes added on #1). I couldnt hear a word the teacher said because i couldn't ignore his chewing. It got so bad that I asked the teacher to move my seat. ha! the other day, while in english, we were doing an in-class timed essay. the class was dead silent. and the girl across from me pulls out a bag of sunchips. and munches away. one can only imagine my misery.

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