Tuesday, September 15, 2009


these past two weeks havent been the greatest. I've really been struggling with loving other people. I think I've just been really tired of always having to take initiative in friendships. People almost expect me to reach out to someone first because they think, since my personality is naturally loud, that i must naturally be outgoing, and thus be able to talk to new people easily. Ha. Little do they know. It's hard to care for people because I dont feel cared for. I feel like I'm always doing all the work in a friendship, asking how they're doing, prayer requests, etc. But. 1. I need to get away from this self-centered "im such a good friend" mindset. and 2. remember that I love people because God called me to, He didnt say anything about other peoples obligation to return the favor. just my obligations to Him and His people. If only reality were as easy as words.

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