Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Turbulence Ahead.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we are currently experiencing some turbulence. Please return to your seats and keep your seatbelts fastened until the seatbelt sign is off."
Whenever the flight attendant announces that on the overhead, I always go into a momentary state of minor panic, especially when the ride starts to get bumpy. Even after numerous flights to different places, my reaction remains the same. But the assurance that things will be OK seem to increase a little bit more after every flight.
The picture above brings me peace. The plane isn't far off from the clouds, and the captain must know that he is about to experience turbulence, fog, etc. But what comforts me is the fact that the plane doesn't speed up when it approaches the clouds, it doesn't try to get through it faster. No, the speed of the plane remains the same, it approaches it with the same calmness it did everything else. The shaking and bumping isn't caused by the plane, it's caused by the wind and air masses, so while outside forces shake the plane, the plane itself remains calm, going at the same speed as always, just with a little more caution. It's almost like it's sure that it'll make it to the other side, it "begins with the end in mind."

Just like the plane, God began with the end in mind when He created me. He saw past the grey clouds in my life. While I worry about finals, He already sees where I'm going to end up in life.
So this week, I will attempt to be that plane, the one that's faithful to stand strong during turbulence, the one that doesn't try to rush through cloudy times, the one that has assurance and hope of the sun waiting in the other side.

"All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be"
Psalm 139:16


drummerboy89 said...

nice analogy :)

Anonymous said...

This is cool T-bone :) Encouraging!