Saturday, August 8, 2009


This trip has been humbling. Not in a "i am so grateful for everything i have" type of way. But rather, God has used this trip to show me in the [many] areas i lack. He has been faithful to point out my sins in a gentle way.
i am impatient, prideful, selfish, cynical.
But the kids i teach, they are full of joy, selfless, secure. They look out for one another. They are eager to receive love. They are not doubtful of me. They can overlook my faults. They do not hold my wrongs against me. They're faces light up with laughter.
I seek to delight in the Spirit. I desire to rid my sins. To have the same passion against sin as that of my Savior. To no longer tolerate the little lies. To no longer soak in my own glory.
"Whoever would be indwelt by the Spirit must judge his life for any hidden iniquites. He must expel from his heart everything that is out of accord with the character of God..." [A.W Tozer]
I seek to know my God. I am not contempt with my relationship with Him to be one of praying and asking. I want to know Him more. To know His personality better. Maybe to be friends.

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